all postcodes in WV4 / WOLVERHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV4 6AA 17 3 52.565611 -2.12028
WV4 6AB 8 0 52.565827 -2.119174
WV4 6AD 13 0 52.566106 -2.119736
WV4 6AE 8 0 52.566501 -2.119958
WV4 6AF 18 0 52.566466 -2.118601
WV4 6AG 4 0 52.56581 -2.1182
WV4 6AH 25 0 52.566144 -2.117301
WV4 6AJ 32 0 52.564993 -2.118006
WV4 6AL 12 0 52.565387 -2.119262
WV4 6AN 1 1 52.566503 -2.117878
WV4 6AP 37 0 52.563604 -2.119
WV4 6AQ 12 0 52.565596 -2.117138
WV4 6AR 33 0 52.559481 -2.119127
WV4 6AS 4 0 52.558069 -2.11961
WV4 6AT 4 0 52.556692 -2.121111
WV4 6AU 10 0 52.556863 -2.120345
WV4 6AW 36 1 52.564614 -2.118669
WV4 6AX 6 0 52.556297 -2.120712
WV4 6AY 3 0 52.555618 -2.122444
WV4 6AZ 1 1 52.556759 -2.123259